
What is a standard part?

  • 2023-04-06 16:58:40

Standard parts refer to commonly used components such as threaded parts, keys, pins, rolling bearings, etc. that have been fully standardized in terms of structure, size, drawing, marking, and other aspects and are produced by professional factories. Standard parts can be divided into broad and narrow senses.

Generalized standard parts refer to mechanical parts and components with clear standards. The main standards used include Chinese National Standards (GB), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME), as well as Japanese (JIS), German (DIN), and other standards that are widely used worldwide. In addition, mechanical parts and components with high standardization and strong industry universality, which are widely used in the industry, are also known as universal parts. Common ones include mold standard parts, automotive standard parts, etc. General component standards are usually formulated by industry leaders and widely accepted within the industry, making them de facto industry standards.

Narrowly defined standard parts, also known as standardized fasteners, are actually a type of connecting parts (connectors). However, due to their wide variety and wide application, they are usually classified as standard parts in practical use. They usually include the following 12 types of parts: bolts, studs, screws, nuts, self tapping screws, wooden screws, washers, retaining rings, pins, rivets, combination parts and connecting pairs, and welding nails.

Standard parts can be mass-produced, reducing industry costs and saving resources. In order to improve the standardization process of the industry and improve manufacturing efficiency. The reform plan of Far East Tech this year includes expanding the standard parts business

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